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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Searching For Answers That Aren't Just There

All this time I was riding on a dead end highway,
Killing my desires, I waited for you to go away,
A Long ago, even I stopped keeping the score,
each time you said, you don't love me anymore..!!

I tried to hold my tears as tight as I could,
But somehow I knew this wont do any good,
but, if you could see my tears in the rain,
You'd know I am trying to wash away pain..!!

I wonder if there will be a better tomorrow,
Or, would there be today's pain and sorrow,
Coz broken pieces of my dreams is what I got,
and Yesterday's rainbows are now all lost..!!

The strings of my heart are drawn tight,
Similar to how a curtain shuts out the light,
Seem like my emotions are restricted to flow,
Whenever I see you outside enjoying this show..!!

My heart is cold, veins like frozen rope,
Emotions drain out choking every hope,
my knees are weak, it’s hard not to surrender,
Could love struck so bad, I sometimes wonder..!!

There is no one here to hear me out,
no matter how loud my heart may shout,
Seems like I am dragging graves of despair,
Searching for answers that aren't just there..!!


  1. its really awesome! dont be so harsh on urself..time will heal everything :)

  2. Thanks for your comment and appreciation... and I am just fine... these were the thoughts I could see on a friend's face... I said same thing to him what you just told me.. :)
